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What is a good selling rate?

The sales course will improve your range of skills in many different areas related to business. This applies to all elements of the sales process, including the recognition of consumer needs, prospecting and neutralization of objections. Matt Mrozowsky has a wide range of training programs for sellers . Thanks to us, as a trainee, you will gain comprehensive knowledge about how to maximize conversion, techniques of acquiring new customers or methods of regularly increasing your turnover.

Spis treści:
Czym się wyróżnia takie szkolenie?
Kluczowe elementy
Zalety i korzyści
Dlaczego warto?
Realny wpływ na wyniki biznesowe
Unikalne i wartościowe treści

Czym się wyróżnia dobry kurs sprzedaży?

Kurs sprzedaży poprawi Twój zakres umiejętności w wielu różnych obszarach związanych z biznesem. Dotyczy to wszystkich elementów procesu sprzedażowego, włącznie z rozpoznaniem potrzeb konsumentów, prospectingiem czy neutralizacją obiekcji. Bogatą ofertę programów szkoleniowych dla sprzedawców posiada firma M&M Mateusz Mrozowski. Dzięki nam jako kursant zyskasz kompleksową wiedzę o sposobach maksymalizacji konwersji, technikach pozyskiwania nowych klientów czy metodach regularnego zwiększania obrotów.

Key elements

The courses are aimed at both direct sales and online and telephone sales. Our offer is a response to specific problems related to running sales activities. Participants gain access to extensive knowledge, developed in accordance with the latest trends in sales, negotiations and management. The content provided as part of educational and development projects is also a response to changing market trends and draws from numerous scientific studies that confirm their effectiveness in many industries.

Advantages and benefits

As a trainee, you can effectively improve your competences and increase control over processes related to sales or management. By taking part in our courses, you can be sure that the knowledge provided is commercially justified and is in line with the latest news from the business world. All content is useful and guarantees the effectiveness of actions, which is confirmed every time when confronted with reality. In addition to learning certain and proven business values, you can also reduce ineffective activities for your sales.

Notatki ze szkolenia

Our experience

Educational projects at M&M have been developed on the basis of many years of experience. During our adventure, we have published six best-selling business books. In 2016, their author – Mateusz Mrozowski – was awarded as the most effective seller in his industry, and a year later he won the title of sales director of the year. He also lectured at WSiPA in Lublin and at the School of Sales Management in Warsaw. Hundreds of thousands of Internet users follow his business profiles, and over four and a half thousand people have already used his original programs. What’s more, Mateusz Mrozowski is a former Polish volleyball champion, which is why the offered courses combine a specific approach to soft skills, behavioral psychology and the principles of professional sport, which has a lot in common with business.

Why is it worth taking an online, stationary and telephone online sales course?

Our online, stationary and telephone sales courses streamline virtually all processes related to conducting commercial activity. Our programs are based on modern system solutions for remote learning, because we use innovative technologies and have our own educational platforms. Each course is developed for and under the client, and at the same time takes into account the key substantive aspects related to the development of skills.

Real impact on business results

A great advantage of the offered programs is the extremely short time of acquiring knowledge, thanks to which the trainees willingly return to the training materials and are able to quickly apply the acquired information in their business. So far, we have not received any complaints, which confirms the high level of satisfaction of the participants. Our online courses deliver exceptionally fast and comprehensive results. To a large extent, this is due to the preparation of each program in accordance with global standards. In our projects, we take into account substantive video materials, convenient division into chapters or ready-made scripts and solutions with intuitive workbooks and presentations.

Unique and valuable content

Our development programs are fully proprietary, which ensures that we provide only unique and original content. These trainings are intended both for people taking their first steps in sales and those looking for a way to expand their sales skills. We rely on the concept of ready-made solutions, thanks to which the courses contain tips that are the answer to specific problems.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the course offer. In our store you will also find trainings for companies, open trainings , individual consultations and business books . Feel free to contact us if you have any questions .


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    Mateusz Mrozowski Szkolenia